Information to include on your stationery – with examples

Information to include on your stationery – with examples

Are you ready to start your invites but not sure about the information you should include on them? Ultimately your stationery is personal to you - include as much or as little information as you want but here is a simple checklist so you make sure your guests have all the information they need:

Save the dates

Are the best way to announce your date and ask guests know that they are invited to the celebration. A save the date should be sent from 12 to 18 months before your wedding day and should include:

⃞ The words ‘Save the date’ either as a title or in the main text.

⃞ Your names so your guests know who the save the date is from.

⃞ The date of the wedding.

⃞ Town, city, region or country where the wedding will take place.

⃞ Let people know that your invitations will follow.

A save the date shouldn’t include (You can save this information for the invites):

⃞ Venue name(s).

⃞ Time of ceremony or reception.

⃞ RSVP details.

Save the date examples:

Please save the date for the marriage of [name 1] to [name 2] [date] in [location] Formal invitation to follow.

Kindly save the date to share in the joy of [name 1] to [name 2] at their marriage on [date] in [location] Formal Invitation to follow

Kindly save the date for the wedding of [name 1] and [name 2] on [date] in [location] Formal invitation to follow

Please save the date for the marriage uniting [name 1] and [name 2] on [date] in [location] Formal invitation to follow

Save the date! [name 1] and [name 2] are getting married! [date] [location] Invitation to follow

[name 1] proposed!  [name 2] said yes! Join us as we say “I do” [date] [location] Invitation to follow

Please save the date! [date] [name 1] and [name 2] are tying the knot! [location] Invitation to follow

Save the date! [name 1] and [name 2] are getting hitched! [date] [location] Invitation to follow



Daytime Invites get guests hyped for your day and has all the information they’ll need for the whole wedding celebration. Having a wedding website? Then you’ll include less information but don’t forget the URL. Invites should be sent from 3 to 6 months before your wedding day and should include:

⃞ Who’s hosting the wedding - Who’s paying for it: you or your parents? The request to come to the wedding will come from whoever is paying for it.

⃞ Your names - If you’re changing your name this is the last time you’ll officially announce yourself by your maiden name before you reach the aisle. So, let your names take pride of place on your wedding invitations.

⃞ The guest names - If you’re handwriting the names on the invites let us know so we leave a space for them. Or they can be printed on the invites or envelopes for a small fee - name each person specifically, making sure you specify whether it is just them, the kids and a plus one as well. Names can be added to envelopes if you don’t want to put them on your invites.

⃞ Your wedding date and times - Add the date and don’t forget to include the ceremony start time on your wedding invitations too.

⃞ Your venue or venues - Include the details for both the wedding ceremony and the reception if you’re holding them at separate locations. You’ll need to include the names and addresses of both.

⃞ Dress code - If you are having a dress code remember to include it.

⃞ Finish time - Remember to include when the evening reception ends - some venues have a strict end time so you’ll want to get everyone out quickly. The most popular way of wording this is: ‘Carriages at midnight.’
⃞ RSVP requirements - When is the latest date for guests to let you know if they’ll be attending? How would you like them to do it – by phone, email, RSVP card or on your wedding website? Make it easy and clear for guests to get back to you, the sooner you know, the sooner you can get your seating plan sorted and food numbers ordered. If you are having a wedding website add a line of text with the URL this is where they can RSVP and find more info.

⃞ All other information - are you having children at your wedding? Got the details of local hotels and taxis? Including a map if your location is hard to find? Doing breakfast or lunch the next day? All this information should be included on a separate page.

⃞ Wedding website - if you are having a website add the URL so everyone can access all the information. Remember to make the URL as short and snappy as possible as it’ll be printed on the invite and the longer it is the harder it is to type.

⃞ Gift details - if you want gifts, have a gift list or would rather money towards your honeymoon let guests know, this can be worded nicely or written as a poem.

Daytime Invites examples:

Mr & Mrs [parents 1] request the pleasure of [guest name/your company] at the marriage of their [son or daughter] [name 1]  to [name 2] [location] [date] [time] and afterwards at [reception] R.S.V.P by [date] to [address]

Mr & Mrs [parents 1] and Mr & Mrs [parents 2] request the pleasure of [guest name/s] at the marriage of their children [name 1] and [name 2] [location] [date] [time] followed by a reception R.S.V.P by [date] to [address]

Together with their parents, [name 1] and [name 2] invite you to celebrate their wedding! [location] [date] [time] followed by a reception R.S.V.P by [date] to [address]

[name 1] and [name 2]  are getting hitched! [location] [date] [time] followed by drinking and dancing R.S.V.P by [date]  to [couple’s address]

Mr [parent 1]  & Mrs [parent 2]  request the pleasure of [guest name] at the marriage of their [son or daughter] [name 1]  to [name 2]  [location] [date] [time] followed by a reception R.S.V.P by [date] to [address]

Mr & Mrs [parent 1]  & Mr & Mrs [parent 2]  invite you to celebrate the marriage of their children [name 1] and [name 2] [location] [date] [time] followed by a reception R.S.V.P by [date] to [address]

[name 1] & [name 2]  invite you to celebrate their union [location] [date] [time] followed by a reception R.S.V.P by [date] to [address]


Evening invites

Evening invites will be similar to the daytime invite but without the ceremony details and a later arrival date 

Thank you for reading and we hope this helps you with your wedding stationery needs. If you need any help and advice with your stationery and the design service feel free to email us at

Lauren x 

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